Children Law Solicitors in London | Legend Solicitors, UK

Children Law Solicitors in London

Our specialist Children Law Solicitors in London can help with all child law issues and financial matters relating to children. After a relationship breakdown we do understand that when there are children involved, everyone concerned wants to act in the child’s best interest moving forward.

Parents are each legally obliged financially to support their children. This obligation runs at least until the children are sixteen. Sometimes it runs for longer, such as where the children continue in full-time education or training.

Child arrangement orders are legally binding and state where the child’s primary residence will be and how often they will see their other parent. If you are concerned your child may be at risk of domestic violence, you should obtain family law advice urgently as there are several options which can help to protect their physical and legal rights.

If you would like to talk to us about how we can help you with your divorce/ financial settlement, or if you would like to know more about our divorce services, Contact our Family law solicitors east london

Call us on 020 3130 1769 or E-Mail us  at

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