Feel like cheated, dumped or think your relationship has broken down irretrievably?
Want to re-marry and move on in your life?
Divorced previously in some other country and want to declare your marital status in England and Wales?
Need a Piecemeal Distribution of your matrimonial assets?
Looking for capable, trustworthy professionals to take care of your property and pension splitting along with custody of children?
Your ex-wife is creating issues with child contact? Matrimonial status based visa problems with Home Office or UKBA?
Family Law Solicitors In East London
Our family law solicitors in East London provide family law services to bring pride to our priced client chain in providing tailor made legal support to not only to our clients but also to their families in a passionate yet compassionate fashion whilst they are experiencing strained family relationship.
At Legend Solicitors, The Family law services of highly skilled divorce solicitors in east London will leave you amazed with the ease your family matters gets concluded with us as we recognize the psychological impacts that divorce and family disputes can have on our clients. Our expert team of divorce and family law solicitors in east London deal with wide range of matters involving divorce and family law including UK divorce, judicial separation, dissolution of civil partnership, divorce financial settlement, financial settlement in England after an overseas divorce, Non-Molestation and Occupation Orders and Child Arrangements Orders etc.

Divorce in the England and Wales jurisdiction is a reasonably straightforward mission and not at all a time consuming procedure, unlike in some other countries.
if you would like to talk to us about how we can help you with your divorce/ financial settlement, or if you would like to know more about our divorce services, Call us on 020 313 01769 or E-Mail us at info@legendsolicitors.org and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Our Family Law Solicitors In East London & Family Law Services
We understand that family law can be one of the most sensitive areas. Especially when there are children involved. We can help resolve the situation to get the result you want.
If married earlier, you may be eligible for filing a Divorce on the following grounds;
As your marriage is irreconcilable breakdown due to either adultery, unreasonable behavior, desertion for more than 2 years, 2 years separation with the other party’s consent or 5 years separation. Do remember, unless basing the petition on 2 years separation you do not require the other party’s consent for Divorce.
Our expert team of divorce and family law solicitors in East London deal with wide range of matters involving divorce and family law including UK divorce, judicial separation, dissolution of civil partnership, divorce financial settlement, financial settlement in England after an overseas divorce, Non-Molestation and Occupation Orders and Child Arrangements Orders etc.
If you would like to talk to us about how we can help you with your divorce/ financial settlement, or if you would like to know more about our divorce services, our Solicitors in East London is free and could give you the information you need to achieve your goals.
Call us on 020 3130 1769 or E-Mail us at info@legendsolicitors.org